Is your law firm losing $1,570/day in revenue?

What would you do if you found out someone was stealing $1500 from your firm every day? What if you discovered that an employee was embezzling $1500 from your firm every single day?  Contracts terminated, charges filed, and probably some new security measures in place? That’s what I thought.  Now, what if I told you […]

Your Firm is probably earning more than you realize. here’s why…

Going into a new year, everyone has big goals and big dreams. You want to increase your profits but that can be a scary proposition and it can feel unachievable. Where do you even start?  Luckily, there are some simple steps you can take and you’re likely already bringing in more than you realize. Let […]

3 Mistakes that are reducing your law firm profits

Although non-lawyers like to think that attorneys swim in pools of cash, most law firms’ profits aren’t nearly as high as they should be. Sometimes, it’s a major failure causing the problem. In many cases, it’s the little things that add up over time.  Here are three strategic mistakes I see all the time that […]

3 Things You Need to Hit Your Profit Goals This Year

Okay, it’s actually four things you need. Because the first thing you need is a GOAL! If you’re striving for a certain number of billable hours or a certain revenue number but don’t have a target profit margin, you need to get one. How will you know if you’re on track if you don’t have […]

Where did my profit go?

Where did my profits go? One of the most common questions I get is “Where did my profits go?” Typically, I’m asked when I’m going over financials with a client and they notice the profit on their Profit & Loss statement looks nothing like the balance in their bank account! Let’s talk about why that […]

Do you have to spend money to make money?

Do you have to spend money to make money? It’s an age-old question, but I think it may be the wrong question. It can lead us in the wrong direction and get us focused on the wrong things. So let’s take a lot at this question, try to answer it, and also answer all the […]

4 Myths About Your Law Firm Finances

Myth #1 – You can do your accounting yourself Unless you have an accounting background, I realize some lawyers may have an undergrad in business and might have taken some accounting classes, you really are not qualified to do your own accounting. Additionally, you shouldn’t be doing it because it’s a waste of your time. […]

4 Headaches That Can Be Cured with a CPA Specializing in Law Firms

Working with an accountant that specializes in accounting and tax for law firms can take away a lot of your headaches. 1.     Do you find yourself explaining how your trust (IOLTA) account works to your accountant every year at tax time? As you know, trust accounts are intended to hold deposits until the fees are earned. All […]