Protect your business with a cybersecurity assessment
Years ago, it may have seemed like only government agencies with top-secret intel or wealthy international banks had to worry about hackers. Nowadays, even the smallest small business could see its reputation ruined by a data breach, while larger companies could have their sensitive data taken hostage in a ransomware attack that costs millions to […]
How Understanding the ‘Rule of 72’ Helps You Make Personal Finance Decisions
Though everybody wants their money to grow, few people understand the best way to make that happen. It’s all about where you choose to put your money and the rate of growth you’re able to achieve over a period of time. When you’re trying to figure out how compound interest works, the “rule of 72” […]
Is your business tracking website metrics?
In today’s data-driven world, business owners are constantly urged to track everything. And for good reason — having accurate, timely information displayed in an easy-to-understand format can allow you to spot trends, avoid risk and take advantage of opportunities. This includes your company’s website. Although social media drives so much of the conversation now when […]
Should You Get an IRS Identity Protection PIN?
An Identity Protection PIN (IP PIN) is a six-digit number assigned to eligible taxpayers by the IRS to help prevent the misuse of their Social Security number by ID thieves to file fraudulent federal income tax returns. The IP PIN aids IRS in verifying a taxpayer’s identity and accepting only valid returns via electronic filing […]
5 questions to ask about your marketing efforts
For many small to midsize businesses, spending money on marketing calls for a leap of faith that the benefits will outweigh the costs. Much of the planning process tends to focus on the initial expenses incurred rather than how to measure return on investment. Here are five questions to ask yourself and your leadership team […]
Compass Real Estate: A Bold Industry Leader Every Step of the Way
If you’ve never heard the name Robert Reffkin before, you’d be forgiven — but you’re almost certainly familiar with his work. Reffkin was raised the child of a single mother, herself an Israeli immigrant. It was from her that he learned the beginnings of what would eventually become his now-famous entrepreneurial spirit. At one point […]
The Art of Running a Successful Family Business: Breaking Things Down
At its core, a family business is exactly what it sounds like: a company or other enterprise owned, operated, and actively managed by at least two people from the same family. This can be a parent and their kids, two siblings, or some other configuration — it doesn’t actually matter, as the management is made […]
Oatly: A Shining Example of What an Entrepreneur Can Accomplish
According to one recent study, plant-based foods are now available in about 53% of households in the United States. Roughly 35% of Americans say that they’ve consumed some type of plant-based food in the last year, and of that number, 90% say that would happily do so in the future. All told, searches on engines like Google […]
Protect your company from cyberattacks by adopting zero trust
Some organizations struggle to prevent cyberattacks because they rely on cybersecurity tools and techniques that protect only their perimeter. Perpetrators who make it past a single line of defense (such as with a username and password) can gain unfettered access to the company’s network. They can then use ransomware to block access to data or […]
Expanding succession planning beyond ownership
Business owners are regularly urged to create and update their succession plans. And rightfully so — in the event of an ownership change, a solid succession plan can help prevent conflicts and preserve the legacy you’ve spent years or decades building. But if you want to take your succession plan to the next level, consider […]