A Simple Guide to Financial Forecasting for Law Firms

We are going to discuss something really important for your law firm: financial forecasting. It might sound complicated, but it’s just a way to predict how your firm’s finances will look in the future based on what’s happening now. This is super important for making smart decisions, spotting any problems early, and grabbing opportunities to […]

How to Boost Your Confidence and Lead Your Law Firm to Success

Confidence is super important for law firm owners, but it’s often overlooked. In this blog, I’m going to talk about how not being confident can hold you back from achieving your dreams for your firm. Plus, I’ll share some tips on how to kick those confidence barriers to the curb. 1. Fear of Leadership A […]

Undertaking a pay equity audit at your business

Pay equity is both required by law and a sound business practice. However, providing equitable compensation to employees who perform the same or similar jobs, while accounting for differences in experience and tenure, isn’t easy. That’s why every company should at least consider undertaking a pay equity audit to assess its compensation philosophy and approach. […]

Improve HR decision-making with a SWOT analysis

According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, an estimated 4.5 million people voluntarily left their jobs in November 2021. That’s a record number. In this topsy-turvy labor market, many employers are under greater pressure to make optimal HR decisions. Having a sound, dependable and growth-oriented HR function can help you retain good workers, draw […]

Protecting your company from cryptocurrency fraud

According to blockchain data company Chainalysis, cryptocurrency transactions associated with illegal activity topped $14 billion in 2021. That’s almost double 2020 numbers — and the momentum shows no signs of slowing. In addition to outright cryptocurrency theft, these crimes include investment fraud and ransomware scams that affect businesses. Yet cryptocurrency offers several advantages to entrepreneurs […]

Let your financial statements guide you to optimal business decisions

Now that 2022 is up and running, business owners can expect to face a few challenges and tough choices as the year rolls along. No matter how busy things get, don’t forget about an easily accessible and highly informative resource that’s probably just a few clicks away: your financial statements. Assuming you follow U.S. Generally […]

How cash flow statements help experts find fraud

Many fraud investigations focus on financial statements. Because cash is the most commonly stolen business asset, fraud experts regularly scrutinize statements of cash flow for signs of misappropriation and fraudulent disbursements. If you suspect occupational fraud and request an investigation, here’s what the experts might find.   Unusual changes Your statement of cash flows shows […]

Protecting your company from cryptocurrency fraud

According to blockchain data company Chainalysis, cryptocurrency transactions associated with illegal activity topped $14 billion in 2021. That’s almost double 2020 numbers — and the momentum shows no signs of slowing. In addition to outright cryptocurrency theft, these crimes include investment fraud and ransomware scams that affect businesses. Yet cryptocurrency offers several advantages to entrepreneurs […]

Using B2B media to lengthen your marketing reach

Companies that sell products or services primarily to other businesses face a tough challenge when it comes to marketing. Your customers are likely well-versed and experienced in what they do, so you must not only persuade them to buy from you, but also communicate that you’re an expert in your industry or field. If you […]