Kpi framework: client acquisition

Acquisition In any industry, clients will come and go. Depending on what kind of law your practice, you may have long-term relationships with them and work with them for many years. Alternatively, your clients may be dealing with temporary problems and be on their way once they’re resolved. In either case, bringing in new clients […]

Law Firm KPI Framework: Tracking your profitability

If you’ve been around me for very long, you know how much I love profit! If you’re not making a profit, you’re not running a viable law firm and you won’t last very long.  In the simplest terms, profit is the difference between your revenue and your expenses, so you always want that number to […]

Law Firm KPI Framework: Evaluating Firm Culture

As firm owners, we can sometimes cringe at the mention of company culture. Ask us to track productivity, and we jump right on board. Customer satisfaction is a no-brainer. But mention the culture and satisfaction of our employees and a little piece of us dies inside, I think for two reasons. Number one, we know […]

Law Firm KPI Framework: Measuring Client Experience

When it comes to tracking metrics for your firm, you may be used to cold, objective numbers with dollar signs in front of them. But right here in the middle of our KPI framework, there’s a category that’s much more subjective and a little bit different from the rest: client experience.  We all want to […]

Law Firm KPI Framework: Tracking Client Development

If there’s one missing link that keeps most law firms from accomplishing their goals, it’s tracking KPIs (Key Performance Indicators). That’s why Silver Peaks Accounting uses a framework of KPIs with every client to identify strengths and weaknesses and fix any hidden problems. These KPIs are law firm specific and have been shown time and […]

3 things you MUST review when you get your law firm’s financial statements

Ok, so you’re working with an accountant and you’ve just gotten your monthly financial statements. What do you do?  Do you scour them for hours looking for hidden information?  Do you just file them away and hope there’s nothing there that you need to know?  Are you even sure what you’re looking at? Financial statements […]

Get 90 Days Closer to Your Goals in Business and in Life

In life and in business, it’s so important to have goals. You always want to be moving forward and growing, and the only way to make that happen is to set clear, achievable goals so you know where you’re going and when you get there.  Unfortunately, too many people set a goal and never reach […]

Can Your Law Firm’s Billing Process Help You Make More Money?

The numbers are in.  Study after study has shown that one problem keeps topping the charts and plaguing law firms: collections. Now, when I say “collections,” I’m not talking about shakedown phone calls from a debt collector. I’m talking about the entire end-to-end process of making sure you actually collect the money due on your […]

“What the heck is the difference between a budget and a forecast?”

If you’ve heard people throwing these terms around, you may be wondering what the difference is and if you need one or both.  One of these things is not like the other A budget and a forecast are two different things. A budget is your goal for the year. You can create a master budget […]