The risks — and rewards — of accepting cryptocurrency payments

To use their ill-gotten cash, criminals must make it appear legitimate. That’s the job performed by money launderers, who increasingly use cryptocurrencies. According to digital currency analytics company Elliptic, crooks use them to launder $3 to $4 billion per year. With over 4,000 digital currencies to choose from, they gain access to a liquid asset […]

The long and short of succession planning

For many business owners, putting together a succession plan may seem like an overwhelming task. It might even seem unnecessary for those who are relatively young and have no intention of giving up ownership anytime soon. But if the past year or so have taught us anything, it’s that anything can happen. Owners who’ve builtup […]

Recordkeeping Tips to Keep the IRS Away

With the ever-increasing complexity of our tax system, it is commonplace for many small businesses to make mistakes with bookkeeping and filing. One way to avoid making errors is to be aware of the most commonly encountered pitfalls. Here are some tips to help keep the proper records. Receipts – Even though the IRS does not require […]

Cash talks — and fraud experts are listening

Fraud perpetrators take whatever they can get their hands on. But they generally prefer cash because it’s virtually untraceable. Fortunately, fraud experts have the expertise and tools to trace even cashbased theft. Multiple opportunities According to the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners, there are three main categories of cash fraud, which includes checks because they’re easily converted […]

10 Tips for Better Budgeting

If you already have a budget, it’s probably been difficult for you to stick with it for the last several months. Unless you provide products and/or services that have been in great demand since the COVID-19 pandemic took hold, you’ve had to adjust your budget significantly. Better days are ahead, though, and now is a […]

Don’t Fall Behind in Saving for Retirement

Some folks have been tapping or suspending their retirement savings to make ends meet during this COVID-19 pandemic, and although understandable, it is important that they continue making contributions to their savings as quickly as financially possible. Still other people have simply been ignoring the need to save for their retirement, which can have an […]

W-2 or 1099-NEC: Which Form Should Your SMB Use for Which Workers?

Filing annual wage reports is just one of the many end-of-year responsibilities expected of every business. But the task is not as straightforward as some would think. The reports get sent to the people who have received wages, and at the same time they get filed with the Social Security Administration (SSA) or the Internal […]

Beware: These Tax Return Red Flags Could Catch the Eye of the IRS

Tax time can be one of the most hated times of the year. Just preparing the forms is enough to be an irritant, and if you owe the government money there’s a good chance that you’re downright annoyed. But neither of those things compare to the feeling that accompanies an envelope bearing an IRS return […]

The 4 Myths of Managing Your Firm’s Finances

If you ask around, you’ll hear a lot of advice out there about how to run your business and handle your finances. And just armchair legal advice, most of it is wrong!  Here are the four biggest myths I hear all the time along with the truth you need to know: You can do your […]

Here’s What Happened in the World of Small Business in April 2021

Here are five things that happened this past month that affect your small business.   1. President Biden announced tax credits for COVID-19 vaccination paid time off. The President announced on April 21st “tax credits for certain businesses that pay employees who take time off to get COVID-19 shots, a new effort to involve corporate […]