Contemplating Refinancing Your Home Mortgage? Things You Should Consider

With home mortgage rates at historic lows, it may be appropriate for you to consider refinancing your current mortgage. However, refinancing may not always be the greatest idea, even though mortgage rates are low, and even when your friends, relatives, and coworkers are bragging about the low interest rates they got with their refinance. This is because a […]
EIDL program retooled for still-struggling small businesses

For many small businesses, the grand reopening is still on hold. The rapid spread of the Delta variant of COVID-19 has mired a variety of companies in diminished revenue and serious staffing shortages. In response, the Small Business Administration (SBA) has retooled its Economic Injury Disaster Loan (EIDL) program to offer targeted relief to eligible […]
5 ways to take action on accounts receivable

No matter the size or shape of a business, one really can’t overstate the importance of sound accounts receivable policies and procedures. Without a strong and steady inflow of cash, even the most wildly successful company will likely stumble and could even collapse. If your collections aren’t as efficient as you’d like, consider these five […]
Back-Door Roth IRAs

Many individuals who are saving for retirement favor Roth IRAs over traditional IRAs because the former allows for both accumulation of account earnings and post-retirement distributions to be tax-free. In comparison, contributions to traditional IRAs may be deductible, earnings are tax-deferred, and distributions are generally taxable. Anyone who has compensation can make a contribution to […]
7 Different Types of Income Streams for Your Business

No matter what type of business you operate, you rely on having a predictable flow of income to keep your bills paid. If you only have a single source of income and it suddenly falters, you’re going to be in trouble. Having more than one income stream is an insurance policy against economic disaster. It […]
Travel – and travel scams – are back

Although COVID-19 remains a concern, many people have started traveling again — both for business and pleasure. Unfortunately, as travel demand has increased, so has travel-related fraud. For example, some fraud perpetrators posing as airline employees call would-be victims to try to elicit credit card numbers. Other scam artists send phishing emails that appear to […]
Leave tax credits are available for employees who help others get vaccinated

In News Release 2021-160, the IRS recently made an important announcement related to COVID-19 vaccinations. That is, wages paid for leave taken to accompany someone who’s getting vaccinated, or to care for someone recovering from a vaccination, may be considered: Qualified family leave wages for purposes of the qualified family leave wages tax credit, and Qualified […]
Exit Strategy: How to Create One for Your Small Business

Owning your own small business is a dream that few are fortunate enough to realize, but even those new to the joys of entrepreneurial self-determination need to spend time thinking about how you’re going to eventually leave the business. No matter how far off it may seem, the best way to ensure that your time […]
Are your company’s job descriptions pulling their weight?

At many businesses, job descriptions have it easy. They were “hired” (that is, written) many years ago. They haven’t had to change or do anything, really, besides get copied and pasted into a want ad occasionally. They’re not really good at what they do, but they’re used again and again because everyone assumes they’re just […]
Don’t assume your profitable company has strong cash flow

Most of us are taught from a young age never to assume anything. Why? Well, because when you assume, you make an … you probably know how the rest of the expression goes. A dangerous assumption that many business owners make is that, if their companies are profitable, their cash flow must also be strong. […]